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Haven Protocol Web App

Electron Desktop App

The desktop app shares a lot of code with the web app there are incompatibiliteis between them which requires platform specific workarounds. The desktop files are in src/platform/desktop.

ElectronJS is used to build the ReactJS project into a desktop app, note this is different to the standard way of building out React apps using React Native. Essentially it packages the app with components from the Chrome browser into a packaged “app”.

The github build script is in .github/workflows/

Current builds are done using Node v14.

To build the desktop app you first need to setup and build the web app so that the required files are available

cd client
npm install
npm audit fix --production
npm run build:desktop
npm run copy-build

then into the haven-desktop-app folder install node modules and use the latest wallet core.

cd ../haven-desktop-app
npm install
npm install haven-wallet-core@latest --save
npm audit fix --production

move out to the main containing folder

cd ..

for production

sh ./sh/

or for development

sh ./sh/

make sure the files are availble run from the client repository, if this isn’t running in the background you’ll see “Haven Vault is waiting on webpack. Please wait a moment…”

cd client
npm run start:desktop


If you’re testing on testnet - ensure you use the tesnet gateway not localhost or - there is a bug that will break testing TBC